Web accessibility is the process of designing your webpage to be accessible for all users, including those with disabilities, impairments, and restrictions. Creating a webpage that is accessible to all users involves the practice of implementing features that allow them to have the same experience that someone without limitations will have; this ensures that your content is accessible by all. With 1 in 5 UK people having a disability or impairment, you must design your website to be accessible for all. 

Inclusive Design

Accessibility ensures that websites and web applications are usable by individuals with various abilities and disabilities. It promotes inclusive design, allowing everyone to access and interact with digital content regardless of physical or cognitive abilities.

Some design measures that can be put in place to enable accessibility for all include:

  • Transcripts for videos and audio.
  • Implement colour contrast so those with colour blindness can adjust their page and understand any visual content you convey.
  • An option to adjust background noise.
  • Include alt text for images, enabling non-sighted individuals to understand the image. 

Inclusive design is an ongoing process that involves continuous improvement and a commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of all users. Regularly updating your knowledge of accessibility standards and involving users with diverse abilities in the design and testing process will contribute to a more inclusive web experience.

Many countries have implemented laws and regulations requiring websites to be accessible. Non-compliance can result in legal issues and fines, ensuring accessibility is not just a best practice but often a legal requirement.

There are four components to meet the accessibility standards set by WCAG

  1. Perceivable – Information must be presented in a perceivable manner to all so that they can understand and be aware of the content on your website. 
  2. Operable – Users must be able to navigate and use all website functions without disruptions. 
  3. Understandable – Content on your website must be legible and readable, allowing all users to engage and understand. This is not just limited to written content; the layout and imagery within your website must be distinguishable for every user. 
  4. Robust – Content must be compatible with both current and future users so that it is accessible to visitors who use assistive technologies such as screen readers.

To make sure your website or mobile app is accessible, have your team review it to see how well it follows the WCAG 2.2 standards and identify any issues. Once you know the problems, create a plan to fix them. Use a guide to help your web team make the necessary changes, and don’t forget to publish an accessibility statement. 

Broader Audience Reach

By making your web content accessible, you expand your potential audience. This includes people with disabilities, older people, and individuals using a diverse range of devices and technologies, such as screen readers, voice recognition software, or alternative input devices.

90% of websites are inaccessible to those with disabilities and limitations, causing businesses to miss a considerable chunk of their audience by not designing their website with those users in mind. An accessible website is not just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about creating a positive and inclusive experience for all users. By making your content accessible, you maximise the potential reach of your website and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse online environment.

User Experience Improvement

Accessibility enhancements often lead to an overall improvement in user experience. A staggering 88% of visitors will not return to a website if they have a poor user experience, highlighting how navigation, well-organised content, and adaptable design benefit all users, not just those with disabilities. 

By incorporating accessibility principles into your design and development processes, you create a more positive, inclusive, and efficient user experience for everyone who visits your site.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation is the practice of optimising a website or online content to improve its visibility in search engine results; the goal is to enhance the chances of a website or page appearing higher in the search results when users search for relevant terms. Search engines prioritise accessible websites because accessible design often aligns with good SEO practices. Adequately structured content, descriptive links, and image alt text positively affect search engine rankings.

Brand Reputation

Demonstrating a commitment to accessibility enhances your brand’s reputation. 59% of users appreciate businesses and websites prioritising inclusivity, which can foster a positive perception of your organisation. 

An accessible website is a key component of a positive brand reputation. By demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity and user-friendly experiences, your brand can reap numerous benefits, including increased customer loyalty, positive word of mouth, and a competitive edge in the marketplace.


Designing with accessibility in mind makes your website more adaptable to future technologies and changes. As technology evolves, accessible websites are better positioned to incorporate new features and remain relevant. Having an accessible website is a strategic investment in the longevity and adaptability of your digital presence; it sets your brand for success in the present and ensures that your online assets remain robust and relevant as technology and user expectations evolve.

Ethical Considerations

Creating accessible websites is not just a technical necessity; it’s also an ethical responsibility. Ensuring everyone can access and benefit from the information and services provided on the web promotes a more equitable and just online environment.

Having an accessible website is a matter of ethical responsibility. It reflects a commitment to inclusivity, fairness, and the well-being of all users, aligning with ethical design practices and contributing to a more just and equitable digital landscape.

The importance of accessibility in web development

In summary, web accessibility is not just a checkbox but a fundamental aspect of responsible and forward-thinking web development. It ensures compliance with regulations and opens up opportunities for innovation, broader audience engagement, and improved user experiences.


How can I test my website for accessibility?

Conduct accessibility audits using tools such as WAVE, Axe, or Lighthouse. Additionally, perform manual testing with assistive technologies like screen readers and conduct user testing with individuals with disabilities.

What is keyboard accessibility, and why is it important?

Keyboard accessibility ensures that all website functionality can be operated using a keyboard alone. This is crucial for users who cannot use a mouse, and it enhances the site’s overall usability.

What are some common disabilities that web accessibility addresses?

Web accessibility addresses a range of disabilities, including visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, and situational impairments (temporary disabilities or environmental constraints).


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