What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimisation) is the ability to increase traffic to your website by ranking highly on search engine results. As search engines are the main ways for users to discover content and websites online, it is extremely beneficial for you to rank highly. When SEO is executed correctly, it can increase website traffic and higher conversion rates.

With 93% of internet interactions beginning with a search engine, it’s important and essential that you make sure your SEO is at its best as this is how your audience will locate you. These suggestions below will help your business rank higher within search engine results. 

Improve page loading speed

The page loading speed can impact your SEO ranking but it can also affect customer engagement. A search engine like Google will recognise if your page is loading too slow and if it is, your ranking will be affected negatively.

Research has shown that 40% of website visitors will leave a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load, with a further 80% of those visitors never coming back. So, it’s important that your page speed is loading at a sufficient speed. 

If your page loads faster more visitors will access it and from that, Google’s algorithm will recognise the page’s popularity and therefore adjust your ranking. There are lots of websites where you can search your page loading speed such as Pingdom, Google PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest.

Write and upload high-quality content 

Writing high-quality content can lead to increased conversion rates and more visitors to your site. Visitors are more likely to return if it is written to a high standard. 

It’s important that your content is reliable, relevant and informative, those three things will boost the ranking of your content. With Google getting smarter all the time, they can now see if your content is high-quality or not, and the result will determine where they rank you. They have also introduced a new update called ‘helpful content update’ where they will now measure the total amount of low-quality pages on your website, so ensure all your pages and content are of a high standard otherwise Google could rank all your pages lower. 

Sharing on social media 

Sharing website updates or new content pieces to your social media platforms has a significant impact on not only brand awareness but also SEO. The more visibility your content gets on social media, the more traffic that will be driven to your website. Not only can your website pages rank on search engine results, but your social media pages can too by optimising them through targeted keywords. 


When people search queries in the search bar, the search engine (Google) shows the top related results based on the keywords used. Google determines which results to rank highly based on whether the keywords used, are the same ones used in that piece of content. The most relevant keywords you have within your content, the more likely they will rank highly within Google, hence why it is vital for SEO. 

Not only does using the correct keywords aid you in SEO, but it can also help when targeting your desired audience. If your target audience is based in a specific location like London and is searching for the best business consultancies, the keyword “business consultancies” would be too vague and not reach your specific audience, instead “business consultancies London” would reach your targeted customers. 

Titles and descriptions 

One of the most important parts of SEO is having a good title and description, as this is what is going to attract those initial visitors to your website. Your title must be within 65 characters, otherwise, it can get cut off. Your title must have the chosen keywords within it as this informs Google and the users that the web page is relevant to the searched queries. More so, users are more likely and inclined to open the webpage if the keyword they have typed is shown in the webpage title. 


GAIN LINE isn’t your ordinary business consultancy, our experts guide you through a structured process to challenge you and keep you on track to make sure you come out of our process with tangible practical actions that you and your team will buy into and have ownership of. 

Our Sprint workshops take a deep dive into any business challenge within a protected and committed time-space. 

If you want to overcome any business challenge in no more than two weeks, speak to our seasoned business consultancy experts on 0161 532 4449 or contact us here for a speedy response.